Toshihiko HARA
Demographer ( Sociology)
Japan Healthcare University,
Faculty of Comprehensive Social Work
Department of Social Work, professor,
Sapporo City University,
professor emeritus  
Research Specific E-mail
Demography,Population Sociology, Family Sociology, System Dyanamics, Syestem Desing, Policy Sciences
【Office】 Tel.&Fax

Kita34 Higashi19 Chyome 3-7, Higashi-Ku, Sapporo, 007-0834 JAPAN

1953 Born in Tokyo
1975 B.A.(Politics), School of Political Science and Economics, Waseda University
1982 Ph.D.(Sociology),School of Philosophy, Albert-Ludwigs-University of Freiburg i. Br., Germany
1988 Associate Professor, School of International Cultural Relations, Hokkaido-Tokai-University
2006-2018 Professor,School of Design, Sapporo City University (SCU)
2018 professor emeritus  (SCU)
Research Activities

Hara,Toshihiko(1982),"Bevölkerungsentwicklung und Geburtenrückgang in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland 1950-1979 -Analyse durch statistische Daten sowie Computersimulation", Dissertation an der Philosophischen Fakultäten der Albert-Ludwigs-University in Freiburg i. Br..

Hara,Toshihiko,Takeshi Ueki, Masakatsu Murakami(1994),"Estimate of the number of International Children in Japan,based on trends in Intermarriage International Journal of Japanese Sociology (IJJS),Vol.3-1, 29-43[ doi/10.1111/j.1475-6781.1994.tb00021.x/ abstract]

Hara,Toshihiko(1998),"Geburtenrückgang in Deutschland und Japan seit dem Zweiten Weltkrieg" in Beschorner, Dieter (ed.), Umweltschutz und Krisenmanagement Die weltweite Bevölkerungsentwicklung; Ursachen, Hintergründe, Handlungsansätze, 2. Jahresworkshop des 2. Bursenjahres 1997/98 der Deutsch-Japanischen Akademischen Burse (DJAB) der Universität Ulm,pp.93-124

Hara,Toshihiko(2003),"Fertility Trend and Family Policies in Germany, Austria, Switzerland and the Netherlands", The Japanese Journal of Population, Supplement to Volume 1 (June 2003) pp.169-199 [www.ipss.go. jp/webj-ad/webjournal.files/population/2003_6/6.hara.pdf]

Hara,Toshihiko(2008),"Impacts of Social Welfare, Education, Retail Shops,and Community Budget on Out-migration", in ejcjs(ed.) Shrinking Cities: Case Study Japan [ special/shrinking-regions/ shrinking-cities-contents.html]

Hara,Toshihiko(2008),"Increasing Childlessness in Germany and Japan: Toward a Childless Society?", International Journal of Japanese Sociology (IJJS), Vol.17, pp.42-64[ 1111/j.1475-6781.2008.00110.x/abstract]

Hara,Toshihiko(2015),A Shrinking Society:Post-Demographic Transition in Japan,SG: Springer Briefs in Population Studies, Population Studies of Japan.

Hara,Toshihiko (2020). An Essay on the Principle of Sustainable Population. SG: Springer Briefs in Population Studies, Population Studies of Japan

Hara,Toshihiko (2020). Demographic Sustainability. In: May, J.F., Goldstone, J.A. (eds) International Handbook of Population Policies. International Handbooks of Population, vol 11. Springer, Cham.Pages 759-780

